
Spilling and spewing like lava

Destroying, burning, maiming

So much damage


flowing and cooling

a river of ointment

healing the burn

bringing new life

Loving, mending, growing


Lessons Learned

1. Follow up

2. Communication is the key to relationships

3. Unmet expectations can lead to frustrations(thus the importance of #2)

4. Forgetting how busy toddlers are came faster than I realized

5. Structure and schedule are the framework of order

6. Be trustworthy

7. Nothing is more important that loving others

8. A heart a peace leads to peace in all I do

Modern-day Ma Ingalls


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The kids and I have been reading the Little House series for the past few months. I can’t believe I never read these wonderful stories as a child! We’ve learned about maple sugar and sugar snow from “Little House in the Big Woods,” cornmeal mush in several of the books, and the importance of not depending too much on newfangled items in “The Long Winter” (so we dipped candles).

A couple of things keep standing out to me as I read these stories. First, Ma was a woman of consistency. She had her routines in the home and stuck with them. Because of this, her home was tidy and orderly. The girls quickly and naturally learned the order of the home during their childhoods. The children didn’t question helping in the home, it was expected and necessary. Ma couldn’t finish all the tasks by herself.

The importance of politeness and consideration at home as well as in public also struck me. Private and public behavior was the same in the Ingalls’ home. Ma kept her temper and ensured that others did too. Laura was shocked when one summer she worked for another family that often spoke in harsh tones and shouts.

I noticed these because I struggle with them often. Keeping my tone in check and being consistent in all areas of my life seem to give me the most grief. I’ll do well for months and feel like these habits are now mine. Then one day off sends me into a tailspin.  Jessie and I were talking about habits and how to tell the difference between a good on and a bad one. He had heard or read somewhere that a good habit is hard to develop and easy to break; a bad habit is easy to develop and hard to break.

I realized a need to become a modern day Ma Ingalls so that my family can have a good example to follow. I don’t want my children to have to figure out the runnings of a home when they settle down.

Feeling the Drive



Today at church we had Stake Conference. It’s a bit different for me here in Italy than in England or the US. The main reason is because I (still) don’t speak or understand much Italian. I know enough for the important things-you know- ordering gelato and pizza. But listening and understanding two hours of church all in Italian is asking for more than I can do. Thankfully our wonderful Stake leaders organize translation for us. I felt such gratitude for the brothers and sister who provided this service to the American congregations in the Stake.

During the meeting the Mission President, President Dibb, spoke of course about sharing the Gospel through our online presence. He asked how many people have a blog, I sheepishly raised my hand. I have a blog technically, but obviously don’t post often. I have been feeling the drive, push, prompting, to blog again even before his talk. I love the Gospel. I know I have a mission on this earth, and I know I receive heavenly help to do what Heavenly Father asks me to do. Consistency has always been a weakness, which is seen in the absence of posts for the past two years! His talk gave me the courage to do what I’ve been needing to do. So here’s to consistency and having the courage to start again and again when failing.

Buongiorno Italia



In a few weeks time our family will head to Italy for 3 years.  Sometimes I can’t believe we get to live in Europe and other times I’m ready to go back to what is familiar- America.  Living in England the past 3+ years has been for me such a growing experience.  I’ve learned that I can put my trust in the Lord.  Although I’ve known that in the sense that the scriptures teach that (Proverbs 3:5-7), I’ve not had to test this in the truest sense.  Receiving answers to prayer that are the complete opposite of what I wanted and going forward having to trust because I couldn’t see how the Lord’s way was going to work has been the most important lesson I’ve learned here.  I know that I can trust the Lord’s will.  This was put to test again for me when we got our assignment to Italy.  I know, I know– How can you not be excited to live in Italy right?  Well I wasn’t.  I wanted to go back to the States and live in Colorado- half-way between Husband’s family and mine.  The perfect solution.  Or so I thought.  In March we found out we had the assignment to Italy and I finally became okay, and now excited to go in June.  Because of some previous experiences  I knew to trust the Lord, but I still felt let down, sad, and a bit confused.  My prayers would have been something like “Please let it not work for us to go to Italy” about 3 years ago. Instead they have been “Please help me to understand and be comfortable with this change. Help me to know what my mission and role will be in Italy.”  I want to do what the Lord asks, and realizing that changing my will to His will brings me lasting happiness and peace.

So now the adventure begins of packing, selling vehicles and then searching for our next home begins.  Things are a bit crazy right now. Thankfully the military hires packers to come in and take care of boxing up our belongings and shipping them off. 

My family (mom, dad, sister and brother) just left yesterday after being here for 2 weeks, and we are turning the house over in a week and a half. We found some graves of our ancestors and some churches that they would have gone to. It was a great visit and we traipsed all over England, into Scotland and they even made a quick trip to Ireland.    

I Can’t Wait Until I’m 8!


Blake was baptised this year!  Jessie and I are both so pleased that he made this choice. My friend Vanessa took these photos of Blake for a birthday present.  They turned out so well.  I was grateful that she captured this moment because I was in The States until the day before Blake’s birthday and baptism for one of my brothers’ wedding.

The baptism went well, and another friend made the birthday cake. We got the idea from pinterest.

Blake shared this special day with a dear friend from primary.  His 1st and 2nd grade teachers came to his baptism and that really made Blake feel special.  He is a loving and sensitive boy.  He works hard and accomplishes much.  Jessie and I are so blessed to be his parents and we are grateful to have him in our family.

Maxwell Turns 10!



I can’t believe I have a child in the double digits.  For some reason Maxwell is in my mind forever 6.  So when I think that he is actually 10, and in 2 years will be ordained a deacon, I’m so surprised!  I’m am so proud of this lovely boy of mine.  He is becoming a wonderful young man, and I can see greatness in him.  He works hard and is always trying to do what’s right.  Maxwell loves to help others, especially when they are sad or otherwise not feeling the best.

For his birthday this year (in February), we had a party at an indoor pool.  He wanted a dollar bill cake, but I knew that was well beyond my capabilities, so I convinced him to have an Angry Birds Cake instead.  I copied the idea from someone else, but don’t remember who. He loved it, which is all I could ask for anyway.

Cards in The Making




These are some cards that I made for a card class this month.  I love the fun colors for the little boys and the sweetness of the girl cards.  This year I’ve decided to send birthday, anniversary, Mother and Father’s Day (mom and dad cards to our parents only) cards to all my immediate family members– which is no small feat.  I’m one of nine children and Jessie is one of 5.  With a total of 55 birthdays and anniversaries, I’ve been making the cards.  It’s been fun to feel the creative juices flow.  Because I don’t like to take too long in completing a task, cards are ideal.  Remember the long list of crafts to complete before the big move?  I haven’t forgotten, and haven’t made too much progress either.  Yikes! I’d better get to work.

Card Positioning Systems- 252



The Very Vanilla was pre-punched. I was given a box full of SU card stock that had all sorts of pre-punched shapes and different papers. I’m trying to use as much of that stash in all of the cards I’m making.

Card Stock: Green- stash/ SU Very Vanilla

Paper- Stash

Stamp- SU Posy Punch

Ink- SU Rich Razzelberry

Embellishments- SU Chocolate Chip 1/4 in grosgrain ribbon/ MS Aquamarine Crystal Glitter


Linking up to Card Positioning Systems

Scripture Totes

I bought myself some larger scriptures a few years ago because one of my lovelies ripped a couple of pages out of my Book of Mormon.  He was trying to “help,” but in doing so required mom to need new scriptures.  I’d been wanting a new larger set anyway, so great reason right?  The “helper” will be inheriting the old set, okay only partially- can’t have 5 pages out of 1 Nephi missing- so we’ll get him a new triple.

With a new set of scriptures, I needed a new tote.  I’m not keen on the ones that are readily available because I think they look like luggage (and are so NOT cute).  In the meantime my poor scriptures are being toted back and forth from church in my church bag- aka what do I have in here that will help my children be quiet reverent for 1 hour.

On my list of incomplete projects is my scripture tote.  I started one- a quilted one that only needed the handles sewn on it.  But decided I didn’t quite like it.  It’s cute, just not me.  On to plan B- use only fabric I already have (because fabric in England is WAY too expensive & I don’t like waiting a week or more for fabric to be shipped from The States). I didn’t have any interfacing either which makes it very flimsy.  If I ever get around to making another one- that will be a must have item.  And this is what I came up with.

I’m going to be helping a friend of mine make one, so be on the look-out for a tutorial.